Cleaning A Cast Iron Skillet
Wondering how to clean a cast iron skillet? No worries, this is a very common question that is asked all over the world. Before we get started we would like to cover some basic issues that not many people may know when it comes to their cast iron skillets. First and foremost, it is very important that your cast iron is seasoned. This is so that you can cook on a nonstick surface. The seasoning serves as a non-stick protective layer that seals the iron. The development of this layer happens over some time by the pores found in the iron absorbing fats. To keep the seasoning you should not wash the cast iron using dish detergent because it is a degreasing agent. Washing your iron skillet with dish soap will strip away the layer of protection which will then cause the skillet to rust. With that being said, now we can officially get into how to clean a cast iron skillet! But first, let’s walk you through the right way to season a cast iron. This is a fundamental step that cannot be forgotten! Follow along with Kitchen And Bath!

How To Season Cast Iron
Although most cast irons are sold as pre-seasoned, we encourage you to still go on and follow through with seasoning it yourself just to be on the safe side! So let’s get right into it!
- You want to start off by preheating your oven to exactly 350°F
- On the bottom rack, you will want to place a rimmed baking sheet.
- Now you will want to rub the interior of the skillet with a layer of vegetable shortening, generously.
- Take your skillet and place it in the middle of the oven rack, upside down right over the baking sheet.
- Bake your iron cast skillet for exactly 2 hours. The iron pores will start to open & absorb the shortening. The excess will then drip down off of the baking sheet.
- After those 2 hours, turn the oven off and let the skillet hang out in there until it cools to room temperature.
This is something that should be done to all new cast iron skillets or anytime that your seasoning may be wearing down. Proper care of your cast iron skillets means that you won’t have to reseason them after having already done so. Proper cleaning and cooking will only help improve the seasoning throughout time!
How To Clean A Cast Iron Skillet
Congratulations Kitchen And Bath family! You’ve made it this far! Are you ready to learn how to clean a cast iron skillet the right way so that you can reduce the number of times that you will have to season your cast iron? Grab your skillet and let us dive right in! You are going to need:
- Salt
- Oil
- Fresh Water
After you have the items above we can now get started so follow along with these steps below:
- Sprinkle a spoonful of salt onto the dirty cast iron skillet
- Take a spoonful of cooking oil and pour it over the salt
- Rub the oil-salt paste over the pan or skillet in circular motions to help loosen debris
- Use a metal spatula to scrape off any food that is really caked on
- Now, wipe the salt and the oil out of the skillet or pan
The cooking oil is added to help loosen crud & it also adds more seasoning to the skillet or pan. We know that you may want to add some dish soap to kill off the germs but DON’T DO IT! The salt is a great antibacterial alternative. All you need when cleaning your cast iron skillet or pan is salt and oil! Continuing to clean the skillet by using salt to clear away debris and then rubbing it down with oil, your cast iron will only get better with time!